A heartfelt wish

Chic Words auguri 20-21

2020 was a difficult year for everyone.

Precisely for this reason I wanted to dedicate a thought to those who have been following me for some time and who have only known Chic Words for a few days: many times with your affection you have brightened stressed, angry or simply complicated days. Thanks!

I wish all of you Smart & Chic Souls to find a little serenity during the holidays and to look forward to the new year with hope.

It would be an honor for me if these Chic Pages could be for your little Christmas Rose, who gives you a smile in an unexpected moment. A Chic hug from Maddy!


Chic Words

as a little Christmas Rose


I want to take the opportunity to retrace the path shared together with you this year..

We explored the facets of ecoglamour through the design of new materials in >>> Ananas for your eco-glamour and the development of new business models for fashion  in >>> Ecoalf: rethinking fashion business models .

You were next to me when I was super excited entering the press area of Fashinnovation Worldwide Talks (>>> My first day at Fashinnovation Worldwide Talks 2020).

We met important High-Tech Fashion professionals – as we like to call it – such as >>> Carry Somers, >>> Giulio Bonazzi ,>>> Javier Goyeneche and >>> Tommaso Galbersanini.

You were with me during the opening of the virtual windows of the new section >>>Chic Materials, where you can see the fabrics made of light by Dreamlux, Piñatex® by Ananas Anam, canapa 100% by Maeko Tessuti and Muskin by Grado Zero Innovation.

We walked through the Venetian “Calli”(streets) and played together in >>> My dear friends. The outside temperature was really low, but I didn’t feel cold because I was too happy to be with you in my beloved Venice!

I can’t wait to embark on new adventures with you!

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