My first day at Fashinnovation Worldwide Talks 2020

Fashinnovation 2020 | Chic Words

Today I spent a truly electrifying afternoon, with entrepreneurs, stylists, designers, journalists … to reflect together on the Future of Fashion.

I carefully chose from my closet the perfect outfit for an international digital meeting focusing on an essential and professional look (a total black interrupted only by a bright blue necklace of my production) and I entered the digital room reserved for the press, waiting excitedly the start of the conference.


Sustainable Fashion
and pandemic response strategies to face Covid-19

I am following for you Fashinnovation Worldwide Talks 2020, international conference organized by Fashinnovation: New York communication agency founded by Marcelo and Jordana GuimarĂ£es in 2018 to give life to high-level debate among the protagonists of fashion industry on issues related to technology, innovation, design and business. The main themes of 2020 edition are of great importance: Sustainable Development Goals and response strategies to face Covid-19. I am therefore delighted to be able to attend the event in the front row.

Stay connected to the Chic Words pages because in the next few hours I will tell you the details of the forum and add information on this page.

Scroll down to continue reading!

New York | Chic Words

Carry Somers’ revolution

Read the article dedicated to the interview with Carry Somers in Italian:
(The English version will be made available shortly)
>>> La rivoluzione di Carry Somers


[1] testo nota 1
[2] testo nota 2.

Rana Plaza Disaster.

A partire da sopra:
[foto 1] Screenshot video corporate Fashinnovation Worldwide Talks 2020, credits Fashinnovation
[foto 2] Elaborazione grafica realizzata da Maddalena Mometti, a partire da una foto di
[foto 3] Elaborazione grafica realizzata da Maddalena Mometti che ritrae Carry Somers, co-fondatrice del movimento Fashion Revolution, credits Dvora Photography e Fashion Revolution

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