Easter 2021

Chic Words | Pasqua 2021


If an egg is broken by an external force, life ends.

If an egg is broken by an internal force, a life begins.

Great things always start from within.

This anonymous aphorism particularly struck me these days because of the truth it hides within and the reflections it provoked in me.

I am an enthusiastic person about life. I am deeply convinced that the world around us is the mirror of our thoughts and our actions, so I always try to deal with every situation by giving the best of myself.
Sometimes at work and in life we come up against situations, people, contexts that do not have a positive effect on us. We suffer pressures, attacks and malignity that we have neither sought nor deserved. What matters is our ability to be resilient and respond to negativity.

A recent episode I experienced caused me some disappointment because it forced a sudden change of direction in my plans for the immediate future. However, by pausing for a moment to reflect before allowing this external pressure to upset me, I realized what new alternative directions I could take. And so instead of wasting time and energy fighting this pressure or trying to understand how it had come into my path, I decided to immediately embrace the new paths it had opened up for me and laugh about the negative situation.. It was amazing to watch how easy the new paths turned out to be, as if the satisfactions were there waiting for me.

I share my thoughts with you Smart & Chic Souls, on this Easter day because I wish you and me to always have the awareness and presence of mind to turn life’s inconveniences and challenges into a positive choices and that the future holds for all of us roads that lead us towards the goals that really belong to us. Happy Holidays!

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