Chic Words on Tik Tok

Chic Words on Tik Tok

I’m really happy to let you know that Chic Words has launched a new initiative, all to be seen and heard!
For a few months now, you can learn more about Sustainable Fashion and High-Tech Fashion thanks to the video clips made available on Tik Tok >>> @chicwords !

I decided to open an account on Tik Tok to experiment with new forms of language and I must say I’m having a lot of fun. The platform, for those of you who have missed a few steps, is a new social network based solely on video content ranging from 15 seconds to 3 minutes.

This challenge has encouraged me to create a series of flash section that I will gradually tell you about on these pages!

I look forward to seeing you on the new platform!


If you want to see my account on Tik Tok you can click at the bottom of each page of this blog on the dedicated icon (the first one from the right), or you can download the smart phone app and search for me as @chicwords!



Section 1: Chic Words Dictionary


Discover the right words to understand contemporary fashion! In this section, each video explains the meaning of many fashion words (which we often hear used but without really understanding what they refer to), who coined the term and the events that gave rise to its use.
In a clear, direct and concise way, you will be able to understand the main themes that animate fashion and its industry!
I look forward to seeing you on the new platform!


Section 2: Fashion Metaverse


Cos’è il Metaverso della Moda? Quali sono i migliori eventi e outfit in versione Virtual Fashion? What impact does Virtual Fashion have on the Fashion industry and on us? Follow the reports from the Metaverse I made for you.


Graphic design by da Maddalena Mometti

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