Canapa 100% by Maeko Tessuti

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natural woven fabric


Maeko Tessuti is an Italian company that manufactures high-quality natural woven fabrics. Each product is designed to meet the needs of those companies that choose to combine the quality of ethics with the “rules of Nature”. Maeko also provides full support for the launch and implementation of textile projects, suggesting the choice and customization of fabrics for exclusive production.

In Italy, this is no longer possible to turn hemp fiber into wire.
Cultivation of the plant is possible but there are no more machines to work it. Maeko is working to bring all the stages of production in Italy, to create a completely transparent production and entirely Made in Italy.

Resistant and easy to cultivate, hemp plant having urticating properties does not require the use of pesticides and herbicides. The range of fabrics that can be obtained from its fiber is very wide: thanks to the modern maceration and grooming processes, it has been able to spin up titles to obtain fabrics similar to liners thinner than used in clothing.

Hemp fabric filters 95% of ultraviolet rays, has a high absorption power and easily disperses body moisture. Being a hollow fiber, it is characterized by a thermostatic effect that makes it possible to feel a feeling of freshness in the summer and hot in winter.



Photos of canapa 100% by Maeko Tessuti

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